You can manage your team's capacity with the Work in Progress Limits ClickApp. Show when people are under, near, at, or over capacity on each Board view in your Workspace.
You can create, move, or update tasks even if it makes a particular column go over the limit.
What you'll need
- Work in Progress Limits are available on the Business Plan and above.
- Guests can use Work in Progress Limits.
Supported fields
You can use the following fields to set a Work in Progress Limit:
- Task Count (number of tasks)
- Time Estimate
- Sprint Points
- Money and Number Custom Fields
Works in Progress Limits appearance
The Works in Progress limit counter will change appearance based on the limit you set.
Under capacity displays a green Works in Progress limit counter.
Nearing or at capacity displays a yellow Works in Progress limit counter with an exclamation mark.
Over capacity displays a red Works in Progress limit counter with an exclamation mark.
- A default grey Works in Progress limit counter is displayed when there's no limit set.
Works in Progress Limits and grouping
Work in Progress Limits can be used in Board view. You can choose how to group your tasks.
For example:
Alex wants to see if their team is over capacity for any in-progress work. They create a Board view grouped by status and set a limit for the number of tasks in the In Progress status column.
Sam wants to see if their team has urgent or high-priority tasks with large time estimates on top of their workload. They create a Board view grouped by Priority and limit the amount of time estimated.
Enable the Work in Progress Limits ClickApp
You need to be a Workspace owner or admin to enable Work in Progress Limits at the Workspace level or for individual Spaces.
To enable Work in Progress Limits:
- Click your Workspace avatar.
- Select ClickApps and select Apps.
- Browse or search for the Work in Progress Limits ClickApp.
- Click the Work in Progress Limits ClickApp to enable it in your Workspace.
- By default, the ClickApp is enabled for each Space in your Workspace.
- From the Work in Progress Limits modal, click the Spaces dropdown to deselect any Spaces.
Set up Work in Progress Limits
To set Work in Progress Limits:
- Open or add a Board view.
- In the column header, click the number.
- From the Display Count dropdown, select a count to display.
- Set a limit.
- The number in the column header now displays each column's count/limit.
For example, an assignee has a limit of 10 tasks. They currently have 6 tasks assigned to them. The Work in Progress counter in their column header reads 6/10.