Manage Docs with ClickUp AI

Summarize, create action items, spell-check, and ask AI questions about your Docs. 


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Manage Docs

From an open Doc, you can use the following features:

  • Ask AI to summarize the Doc
  • Ask about the Doc.
  • Create action items from the Doc's content.
  • Review the Doc's spelling and grammar.

Summarize a Doc

To summarize a Doc:

  1. In an open Doc, hover over the Doc title. 
  2. Click Ask AI, and select Summary.
  3. After AI summarizes the Doc, you can do the following:
    • Insert: Click Insert to paste the content into the location.
    • + Create: Create a task or Doc from the generated content.
    • Copy: Copy the content and manually paste it into another location. You can also manually copy any part of the generated text.
    • Regenerate: Click to generate a different response from the same prompt. 
    • Tell AI what to do next: Reprompt AI by typing a related prompt or giving AI more direction. For example, you could type Format this as a numbered list.

Ask about a Doc 

To ask about a Doc:

  1. In an open Doc, hover over the Doc title. 
  2. Click Ask AI, and select Ask about this Doc.
  3. You can choose one of the suggested prompts. Or type a question about the Doc into the Tell AI what to do next box. AI will search your Doc for the answers or complete the action based on your Doc.
  4. After AI answers your question, you can do the following:
    • + Create: Create a task or Doc from the generated content. 
    • Copy: Copy the text to manually paste it into another location.
    • You can also manually copy any part of the generated text.
    • Regenerate: Click to generate a different response from the same prompt.
    • Follow ups: Select a suggested follow-up question. 
    • Tell AI what to do next: Reprompt AI by typing a related prompt or giving AI more direction. For example, you could type your own follow-up.

Create action items

To create action items from a Doc's content:

  1. In an open Doc, hover over the Doc title. 
  2. Click Ask AI, and select Action Items.
  3. After AI creates a checklist of action items, you can do the following:
    1. + Create: Create a task or Doc from the generated content. 
    2. Copy: Copy the text to manually paste it into another location.
    3. You can also manually copy any part of the generated text.
    4. Regenerate: Click to generate a different response from the same prompt.
    5. Tell AI what to do next: Reprompt AI by typing a related prompt or giving AI more direction. For example, you could type Format this checklist in order of priority.

Use spell check

To use spell check:

  1. In an open Doc, hover over the Doc title. 
  2. Click Ask AI, and select Spell Check.
  3. After AI corrects your spelling and grammar, you can do the following:
    • + Create: Create a task or Doc from the generated content. 
    • Copy: Copy the text to manually paste it into another location. You can also manually copy any part of the generated text.
    • Regenerate: Click to generate the response again.

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