Share Folders, Lists, and tasks on the mobile app

Share Folders, Lists, and tasks while away from your computer.

You can share Docs on the mobile app!

What you'll need

  • Folders, Lists, and tasks can be shared on all plans.
  • Guests cannot share items. Share a Folder or List on mobile

Share a Folder or List on mobile

To share a Folder or List:

  1. From the left side of your screen, swipe right to open the Sidebar.
  2. Tap a Space to expand its Folders and Lists.
  3. Navigate to the Folder or List by tapping the arrow to the right.
  4. In the upper-right corner, tap the share icon.
  5. Select Share this Folder/List.
  6. Share the Folder/List or edit individual permissions:
    • To edit permissions, tap a person or Team and select a new permission level.
    • To share the Folder or List with someone new, tap the Invite people search bar, search their name, and tap the toggle next to their name.
    • To stop sharing the Folder or List, tap the toggle next to a person or Team.
    • To share the internal link with those who have permission, tap Share link.

Screenshot of of the Share this List modal.

Share a task on mobile

To share a task:

  1. Open the task.
  2. In the upper-right corner, tap the share icon.
  3. You'll be in the Permissions tab, where you can see the task's access level, people who were invited to the task, and people with inherited access to the task.
    Screenshot of the task sharing modal.
  4. Edit access level and individual permissions:
    • To choose between limited and private access, tap the expand icon in the Access Level section.
    • To edit permissions, tap a person or Team and select a new permission level.
    • To share the task with someone new, tap the search bar, type their name, and tap their name when it displays.
    • To invite someone to your Workspace and share the task, tap Invite at the bottom. Enter their email address and tap Invite.

      This option is available for task creators, admins, and owners.

    • To stop sharing the task, tap a person or Team and select Remove from Task.
    • To copy the task URL, tap Copy link at the bottom.
    • To copy the task and quickly share it across other apps, tap Share at the bottom.
    • If you made the task publicly available on the web, you can copy the public link by tapping Public link at the bottom.


Share a task publicly on the web

To share a read-only version of a task publicly on the web:

  1. Open the task.
  2. In the upper-right corner, tap the share icon.
  3. At the top, tap the Public tab.
  4. Tap Publish.

    This makes the task publicly available via URL on the web.

  5. Choose your sharing settings and visible task properties:
    • Settings: Enterprise Workspaces can choose when the link expires. You can also allow search engines to receive your task view's data for optimization purposes. This does not make the link or your task view's data searchable in search engines.
    • Share task properties: Choose what task information is visible using the toggles on the right.
      Screenshot of the Public tab when sharing a task.
  6. Preview the shared task by tapping Preview in the upper-right.

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