Organize your Workspace Hierarchy for a software team

ClickUp's Hierarchy allows software teams to organize their Workspace efficiently.

Here are some Workspace Hierarchy best practices for software teams:


Software teams typically include product management, UI/UX design, and engineering teams and we recommend that each team works together in the same Software Teams Space.

That way, from ideation to release, your software team can easily collaborate and deliver a quality product from one place.

By working in the same Space, your entire software team can use comments and @mentions anywhere to notify teammates about the progress of projects or tasks and collaborate efficiently.


The Folders within the Software Teams Space can provide another level of organization for your team. We recommend creating the following Folders within your Space:

Product Roadmap

Having a separate Product Roadmap Folder makes it easy for product managers to communicate the roadmap progress to the entire company.


Separate each feature area of your product into Squad Folders which consist of product managers, designers, and engineers.


This allows squad members to quickly find the work they need to complete and keeps everyone's work organized and focused.


Lists are containers for your day-to-day work. Think of Lists as tabs within the Folders.

Product Roadmap Folder

The Product Roadmap Folder should contain the following Lists:

Product Roadmap

This List provides visibility into the progress and status of the product for your entire company.

Weekly Execution

This List is used to give your company a clear view of the projects and features that your software team is working on.

Product Master Backlog

This List is used to give software team leaders and managers a view into each squad's product backlog.

Complete Bug Tracking

This List should be used as the single source of truth for all defects to provide full visibility across the Workspace for support teams and leadership.

To accurately report bugs, we recommend using a ClickUp Form.

When a bug report Form is submitted, a task will be created in this List with all of the relevant information.

Squad Folders

Each Squad Folder should contain the following Lists:

Product Backlog

This List gives product managers the context needed to groom the backlog and prioritize work effectively. 

Bugs Tracking

This List is used to track the bugs that are specific to each squad. Each bug task can be created when a bug Form is submitted to the Complete Bug Tracking List.

After the bug task has been added to the Complete Bug Tracking List, you can also add it to the Bugs Tracking List in the relevant Squad Folder using an Automation and Tasks in Multiple Lists.

To learn more about the Automations that you can use to achieve this workflow, check out this article.


This List is used to track your software team's sprints. Once a feature has been prioritized by a product manager and designed by a UI/UX designer, it's ready for the engineers to pull it into the next sprint, and this workflow can be tracked using the Sprints List.

Learn more about setting up Sprints in your Workspace by checking out this article.


Tasks represent Epics and individual features. We recommend that all tasks in the Software Teams Space have the same task statuses.

Sharing the same task statuses throughout the entire Space will give your software team:

  • Shared understanding of the common workflow, assisted by Automations.
  • Flexibility for team members to move between squads and work on different features easily.
  • Visibility for the leadership to know what's going on and which items are blocked. They can confidently communicate updates to their internal partners and stakeholders.

A best practice when creating tasks is to include the following information on each task:

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